Ever wondered how plastic bottles, reusable plastic Tupperware boxes or plastic tubes are made? Well, they’re created using a process called plastic fabrication. There’s no specific way this procedure is carried out – the process used depends entirely on what is being made.

To give you a glimpse into the industry, our team at Hampshire Plastics has created this blog post on how plastic fabrication is carried out.

Plastic fabrication follows a process.

Here are the three key areas of plastic fabrication.

  • Plastic extrusion
  • Lamination
  • Plastic foaming

Let’s run through each.

Plastic extrusion

Plastic tubes are made using a process called plastic extrusion.

The first step to this process is to melt the plastic you want to use right down into pellets.

Then, these pellets are put through a die, which is responsible for slicing the pellets into different tube sizes.

This process is also used to create sheets and pipes as it’s favoured by manufacturers who appreciate the speed of this method and the sturdiness and reliability of the final product.


It may come as a surprise, but plastic fabrication can be used for more intricate work too.

Lamination is the process that is used (in combination with other materials such as wood or composite) to create common household products such as flooring, countertops, and wall panelling.

The process uses heat and pressure simultaneously to ensure that the synthetic resin and the film compound cement themselves to the composite in question.

Lamination is also ideal for enhancing the look and style of a material for a high-quality finish.

Plastic foaming

Plastic foaming is most commonly used as an insulator inside buildings.

It’s a durable and more effective solution for keeping heat inside a room and is commonly manufactured from polyurethane and polystyrene.

These materials are blended so that the result is a foam-like consistency that can stick to a building’s structure.

Related reading: 5 reasons why plastic fabrication is the way to go

Looking to speak to a plastic fabrication specialist?

For more information on the different ways plastic fabrication is carried out, feel free to contact a member of our team at Hampshire Plastics via sales@hspplastics.co.uk or call us on 023 9248 6633.

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